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Welcome to RoboStack - a bundling of the Robot Operating System (ROS) by Open Robotics for Linux, Mac and Windows using the Conda package manager. We provide ROS packages for ROS1 Noetic and ROS2 Humble (as well as unsupported Melodic/Foxy/Galactic packages), as well as a variety of ROS related plugins for Jupyter notebooks.

If you use RoboStack in an academic article, please cite the following paper:

    title={A RoboStack Tutorial: Using the Robot Operating System Alongside the Conda and Jupyter Data Science Ecosystems},
    author={Tobias Fischer and Wolf Vollprecht and Silvio Traversaro and Sean Yen and Carlos Herrero and Michael Milford},
    journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine},

Why RoboStack?

  • ROS on any platform: Linux (any distribution, new and old), MacOS and Windows
  • Easy installation of ROS side-by-side with PyTorch, Tensorflow & many more (very recent) machine learning and computer vision algorithms in a Conda environment
  • No root access required - install ROS on shared workstations & high-performance computers
  • Reproducible environments and reproducible robotics research
  • RViz-like visualizations in the browser without a ROS installation
  • Control your robot in Jupyter notebooks & ROS integration with Jupyterlab
  • Easy package creation - creating a Conda package is much easier than creating Debian packages
  • Cross-platform CI for ROS packages
  • ...

Here you can see RViz on Linux Fedora, MacOS and Windows: 0*CWMpP2kGWulIQeHf

How to get started & install RoboStack?

See Getting Started

Which packages are available?

Please see the "Available Packages" links in the menu. If a package is not yet available for a given distribution/platforms, simply open a pull request and we will do our best to get it up any running.

How to get involved?

We are very keen to involve more collaborators. Join us on Gitter and check out our Contribution guidelines.

Overview video

Check out our IROS 2022 presentation for a 7 minute teaser: